Pemandian Air Panas Ciater Subang Jawa Barat

Ciater merupakan salah satu kecamatan baru hasil pemekaran dari kecamatan Jalancagak yang terletak di kabupaten Subang, Jawa Barat. Daerah Ciater terletak strategis diantara jalan utama kota Bandung dan Subang yang melintasi daerah dataran tinggi dengan didominasi kebun teh yang dingin dan sejuk. Walaupun daerah Ciater tidak terlalu besar namun daerah ini memiliki satu keistemewaan yang sangat unik sehingga sering dikunjungi oleh tamu dari berbagai daerah.
Keistimewaan tersebut ada pada objek wisata pemandian air panas yang sudah menjadi ikon sekaligus urat nadi utama masyarakat Ciater dalam mengelola potensi daerahnya. Pemandian air panas yang merupakan tempat wisata di Ciater ini terletak di kaki Gunung Tangkuban Perahu yang merupakan tapal batas kabupaten Subang dan kabupaten Bandung Barat.
Air panas di pemandian air panas Ciater memiliki kandungan belerang, airnya yang hangat dan tidak terlalu menyengat sehingga membuat para pengunjung yang datang dan berendam merasa ketagihan untuk kembali. Selain itu beberapa pengunjung juga meyakini bahwa air panas dari pemandian air panas Ciater dapat menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit terutama penyakit kulit, sehingga para pengunjung menjadikan destinasi tempat wisata di Ciater ini bukan hanya sekedar rekreasi tetapi juga sarana untuk pengobatan.
Sebagai sebuah kawasan wisata yang cukup ramai, pemandian air panas Ciater cukup ditata dengan baik dan luas. Di sini kita dapat memilih sendiri jenis kolam yang cocok dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dari mulai kolam massal yang berada di bawah dan memiliki luas yang standar, lalu kolam yang besar yang letaknya berada di paling atas dan paling bersih hingga kolam privat personal yang hanya bisa dinikmati oleh individu.
Untuk menunjang banyaknya pengunjung yang datang dari berbagai daerah di luar kota, di sekitar Kawasan pemandian air panas Ciater juga banyak di temukan berbagai macam penginapan/ hotel dari mulai penginapan yang sangat terjangkau harganya hingga hotel yang cukup nyaman dan mewah. Di hotel nanti kita juga dapat menikmati fasilitas air panas karena hotel di Ciater umumnya terintegrasi dengan sumber air panas Ciater yang hangat dan nyaman.
Dan juga jika anda lapar, di kawasan wisata Ciater ini sudah tersaji beberapa kuliner yang bisa anda coba satu-satu. Banyak tersedia warung dan restoran yang menyajikan masakan khas seperti sate dan sop kelinci. Belum pernah makan sop kelinci? Cobalah datang ke Ciater. Jangan kaget juga kalau di sepanjang jalan menuju Ciater ini anda akan menjumpai banyak pedagang yang menjual buah nanas, karena memang buah nanas sendiri merupakan salah satu buah yang jadi kebanggaan masyarakat Subang.
Waktu yang paling tepat untuk menikmati pemandian air panas Ciater adalah saat hujan turun atau gerimis, karena cuaca di luar yang dingin akan terbungkus dengan kondisi air panas yang hangat. Sehingga wajar akhirnya selain ramai saat siang dan sore hari saat malam hari pemandian air panas Ciater juga ramai dikunjungi oleh pengunjung yang ingin menikmati sensasi kehangatan pemandian air panas Ciater.
Untuk dapat mengunjungi tempat wisata di Ciater yakni kolam pemandian air panas ini cukup mudah untuk dijangkau. Dari pusat Kota Bandung menuju Ciater ini bisa ditempuh dalam waktu sekitar 90 menit. Untuk memudahkan perjalanan diharapkan anda membawa kendaraan pribadi. Tapi kalaupun anda harus naik angkutan umum anda bisa naik mulai dari Terminal Ledeng menuju Lembang. Sampai di terminal Lembang anda naik lagi angkutan umum jurusan Subang. Begitu anda sampai di Jalan Cagak Desa Ciater maka di daerah situlah kawasan pemandian air panas Ciater.
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Tips for graduates : How to deal with job interview nerves

Tips for graduates: how to deal with job interview nerves

A graduate job interview, like a visit to the dentist or a final exam, can fill the most confident of us with dread and anxiety. But don't panic. A few simple techniques, good preparation and some positive thinking can do wonders to reduce your stress levels and help you shine, even if you're naturally shy.

The foundation for graduate interview confidence is preparation. It begins with researching the organisation in question and ends with laying out your attire (smart, professional but comfortable) and polishing your shoes the night before.
Know the company’s products, mission statement, culture and locations. Scrutinise the job description or graduate recruitment literature for clues as to what they are looking for.
Researching the person who is interviewing you is also a good trick to have up your sleeve. It’ll make them more human and therefore less daunting on the day. It might help you to know that some recruiters get nervous before interviews too.

Arrange a morning interview

If you have a choice of interview times, opting for a morning meeting means that you won’t be able to dwell on it all day.

Use your careers service

Your careers service has all sorts of resources to help you prepare for graduate interviews and therefore calm your jitters. Sign up for interview clinics or workshops. Ask your careers adviser whether they have any insider knowledge on how that particular employer recruits graduates and whether fellow students have given feedback from their own experiences.

Know your CV like the back of your hand

Your CV (or application form) has served you well so far: it’s got you an interview. Try to predict the questions your CV may prompt and have confident answers to those questions. If you’ve had any poor exam results, be prepared to defend those ‘blips’.
Taking a copy of your job application along is always a good idea. At most, a quick glance at it may help you answer a tricky question; at least, holding a document will stop you biting your nails or fidgeting with your hands.

Phone a friend

Insider knowledge is priceless. Ask yourself who do you know who works in the industry that you’re targeting. Quiz them about what they like about their role, what skills are needed and what sorts of questions are likely to crop up at interview.
Do you have a trusted friend, roommate or careers adviser who could give you a practice interview a few days before (practising the night before or on the morning of the interview may do nothing more than heighten your anxiety)? Practice interviews are ideal opportunities to try out your answers to common or likely interview questions.

Relaxation techniques

Although some stress is good – you need to get that adrenalin pumping in order to perform at your peak – the secret to acing an interview is to come across as relaxed and confident rather than anxious. Techniques for staying calm start the night before, such as taking a warm bath, going to the gym (let those natural endorphins put you in a better frame of mind) and getting a good night’s sleep.
On the day, have a healthy breakfast, take a walk and get some fresh air. Before you go into the interview, don’t forget to take some slow, deep breaths (in for five; out for five), and loosen your jaw and shoulders by having a good shake to release tension. Starting with your feet and moving up, tighten each part of your body then relax it.
If you know relaxation isn't your strong point, start looking for ways to deal with it early. There are various techniques to help. Many focus on breathing: take a look online to see what tips you can find.

Have time to spare

Work out, in plenty of time, your route from home to the interview and prepare your schedule for the day. Doing a trial run beforehand to see how long it takes is useful. Build into your plan time for public transport delays or bad traffic, then use that spare time to relax once you’re at your destination.

Rationalise your fears

Put your graduate job interview in perspective: this isn’t the only job out there. They wouldn’t be interviewing you if they thought you lacked potential for the position. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones: ‘I could get the job’ rather than ‘I might not get the job’.
Sometimes thinking of it as a meeting rather than an interview can help you get over irrational fears: it reinforces the idea that an interview is a two-way process.
Think of something you’ve achieved that you’re proud of and use it to build your confidence. Tell yourself: ‘I’ve climbed Ben Nevis/organised a summer ball/lived abroad on my own/run a half-marathon, I can do this!’

Enter and exit confidently

A smile and a strong handshake are simple techniques for creating an impression of self-confidence. Asking the interviewers some strong questions before you finish can leave a positive lasting impression, such as ‘What do you like about working here?’
Finally, don’t worry, relax and remember that this ‘meeting’ is as much for you as it is for your interviewers. Coming across well in interviews is largely a case of mind over matter. If all else fails, smile, take a slow deep breath and tell yourself: ‘Win or lose, this will all be over in a hour’.

Quick tips for graduate interview confidence

  • Relax and remember that this ‘meeting’ is as much for you as it is for your interviewers.
  • Replace negative thoughts with positive ones: ‘I could get the job’ rather than ‘I might not get the job’.
  • A smile and a strong handshake are simple techniques for creating an impression of self-confidence.

Didn't Get The job? How to Survive Rejection?

Didn't Get The Job? How to Survive Rejection?

Published: 15 Oct 2017
Being rejected after a job interview can severely dent your confidence. Many candidates I have worked with over the years tortuously dwell on being turned down, often forgetting the bigger picture. Rejection, while not pleasant, can often be blown out of proportion and viewed as a sign of failure. However, by thinking objectively, candidates can use it to build on their core strengths, address development points and ultimately find a job that suits them best.

The positive side 

At the very least you should feel as though you have learned something through the interview process. We all learn from our experiences, and interviewing is no different.

However, if you performed to the best of your ability, displayed all your relevant technical expertise, demonstrated your competencies and communicated in your most engaging manner in an interview but were still turned down, then you can take comfort from knowing that it was the wrong firm for you.

You may find your mind unable to rest until you establish a logical explanation for the rejection. Thorough feedback may not be provided, as candidates are often rejected because of an interviewer's gut feeling – despite meeting technical requirements. Instead of dwelling on your disappointment, keep your mind focused on other opportunities and continue to present yourself to the best of your ability. If you find you are facing continuous rejection then use it as a means for developing resilience. But ensure that you also take action to remedy any personal shortcomings brought to your attention from feedback.

Narrow your search

The job market is getting more competitive by the day. Pre-recession organisations had larger budgets and less lean organisational processes. Thus they were more flexible in their hiring. If a candidate matched 90% of their criteria they would consider that a good fit. Now, with stricter requirements, companies cannot afford to hire you unless you are a 100% match.

Be highly selective with where you apply. Don't be afraid to turn down opportunities pitched to you as perfect by headhunters and recruitment agencies if you feel they are not right. Where you feel you are suitable, research the role, the company, its culture and the team you will be working with in as much detail as possible to gauge how appropriate you are before accepting an interview. If you are being represented by a headhunter ask them to provide you with as much accurate information as possible and back this up with your own research. It is advisable to read the profiles of those interviewing you on LinkedIn.

Address the issues

Whatever the reason for rejection from one company there is a way it can be improved and transformed as a reason for acceptance at another. The most common reason for being turned down is a lack of technical knowledge. To improve this you may simply need to revise answers for technical questions in more detail or you may need to pursue further courses/qualifications. You should always ensure that you obtain feedback post-interview, either from your headhunter or the firm directly.

Another common reason for rejection is interview style. Interviews can make the most confident of us extremely nervous. After all you are being interrogated under a spotlight and the slightest miscommunication or, worse, the mood of the interviewer, can jeopardise your chances. Some people of incredible technical calibre struggle under such close scrutiny. Often it is a psychological thing. People know there are so many external factors influencing the decision and by giving too much thought they set themselves up to fail, forgetting that excellent preparation, coupled with an ability to think on their feet, can help them overcome the sternest of objections from interviewers. Competency-based interviews are increasingly used now and many people fail to deliver at these as they require highly detailed responses.

I have been coaching a senior candidate who is very accomplished but struggles to communicate his leadership skills, despite leading a sizeable team. He always used examples of the team working as a group and gave the impression he was not leading but managing by consensus. I have been helping him to break down the relevant parts of his role that reflect core leadership competencies and ensuring he showcases these correctly at interviews.

One method that can be applied to answer all competency questions is the Star technique. By sticking to this method you can use specific examples of competencies you have displayed and answer them in a clear, concise and engaging manner. Star is an acronym for situation (describe the situation you were in), task, (what was required of you), action (what you did and/or delegated to others), and the result. Good interview techniques such as this can be learned and developed. However, Star is of little use unless you can think of appropriate examples. Many people struggle with this. If you are thinking of changing jobs keep a brief diary of how you perform core competencies in your current role – such as motivating others, displaying resilience and engaging stakeholders – on a daily basis using the Star technique and revise these during preparation for interviews.

Gaining feedback

This can be difficult, but it is essential for your development. You may find it easier to receive if you apply through a headhunter as they usually have long-standing relationships with employers, ensuring that candid feedback is given to them about a candidate post-interview.

Make the interviewer aware how important feedback is to you, as this will show them how committed you are to self-development and may convince them to hire you – attitude can be just as important as ability. A follow-up email after an interview is the best way, showing professionalism and interest in the role. Most people will not do this, so you will be separating yourself from the competition. You should also state in the email that you welcome any feedback (positive or negative) as a way to improve and that you take each interview as a learning experience. This will encourage a more detailed response. Once received, take any feedback with an open mind and make the relevant improvements to find the job you want.

Microsoft merilis Windows 8.1 Preview (beta)

Microsoft merilis OS Windows 8.1 Preview.

Microsoft hari ini merilis OS Windows 8.1 yang dihadirkan untuk memperbaiki elemen yang sudah ada di Win8 serta menambahkan beberapa fitur minor yang semakin membuatnya layak menggantikan Windows 7.
Beberapa fitur memang sudah lama diantisipasi contohnya kehadiran kembali tombol Start Menu di Windows 8.1, pilihan untuk Boot to Desktop, multi monitor support, multitasking, Bing Search dan Internet Explorer 11.
Selain fitur yang sudah diketahui, ada beberapa fitur yang muncul perdana seperti kemampuan menonaktifkan hot corners, pilihan shutdown saat mengklik kanan start menu, Universal search yang terintegrasi dengan Bing, dan mengakses PC Setting langsung dari Metro Interface.
Windows 8.1 download ISO file
Microsoft juga mengupdate aplikasi internal (built in) seperti menambahakan fitur Photosynth di Camera App yang mampu mengambil gambar 360 derajat (sphere), integrasi lebih erat terhadap SkyDrive, desain baru dari applikasi Xbox Music, browser Internet Explorer 11 yang kini mendukung standart WebGL & protokol SPDY buatan Google.

Tidak lupa ada applikasi baru yang hadir di Windows 8.1 antara lain Bing Health & Fitness, Bing Food & Drink (applikasi resep), dan juga applikasi Alarm, Calculator serta Sound Recorder yang mengoptimalkan interface Metro.
Pembaca Info Teknologi bisa mencoba dengan langsung mengakses dari Windows Store yang ada di Windows 8 atau dowload ISO file Windows 8.1 dari sini. Tapi perlu diingat karena masih preview (beta) maka kemungkinan besar masih kurang stabil dan terdapat banyak bug.